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How to Create a Realistic Content Marketing Plan


Help Your Clients Ditch the Content Marketing Overwhelm! 

Use our done-for-you course kit to deliver your own, branded online course or in-person event that helps your audience accelerate their business growth with a content plan they'll be able to follow and implement to see results.

Everything you need to attract students to your course, so you can close more sales...

ready-to-go course, saving you months of time on content creation...

The ability to edit, customize, and brand the materials, so it fits your market & your personality...

A Complete "Course-In-A-Box," At A Fraction Of The Cost Of Starting From Scratch...

Does your audience ever feel pressured to publish an endless flood of content?

It's a given today that content marketing is one of the most effective ways to:

  • Establish yourself as an expert, 
  • Attract new customers, and 
  • Develop a loyal following.  

But where do you start? 

And what content should you create? How much of it do you need to be effective?

Most small business owners and entrepreneurs are already overwhelmed with the day-to-day tasks of running their business. 

The whole idea of adding even MORE to their workload can produce anxiety attacks that make them want crawl to their bed never to get out! 

But you don't have to spend all your time creating content to make it work for you.

The key is to focus on what will get the best results for YOUR business, given your available time and resources.

In other words... 

You need to create a content marketing plan that's realistic - one that you know you can commit to.

With our course on 'How to Create a Realistic Content Marketing Plan', that's exactly what you'll teach your clients to do (and learn for yourself)!

You'll walk through a step-by-step process for identifying and planning out the content that will make the biggest impact on your students' business.

And they'll come away with an actionable content marketing plan and editorial calendar that they'll finally be able to implement. 

Even better, when you purchase a license to How to Create a Realistic Content Marketing Plan, you’ll get the rights to edit the content any way you want, put your name and brand on, and repurpose it into whatever format you want. 

Get How to Create a 'Realistic' Content Marketing Plan Now!

100% No Risk Guarantee

Take a look through all the materials.
If you don’t think you or your customers can benefit from this content, let us know in the first 7 days, and we’ll give you a full refund. No questions asked.  Just contact us at support@contentsparks.com.

If you like it, keep it. And if you’re ready to take action quickly to get to that next level, you could be closing sales in the first week.

Here's how you'll teach your audience How to Create a Content Marketing Plan that's Realistic:

Introduction - Where You MUST Create Content in Your Business

In the introduction, you'll establish the benefits of content marketing and explain the four key types of content every business owner needs to create, no matter what business they're in. You'll set expectations for what your participants will achieve in the course, and they'll start thinking about the current state of their content creation.

Module 1 – Set Goals to Set Content Priorities

The first step in creating a successful content plan is defining goals. 

In module 1, you'll show your students how the four types of content directly impact different business goals. They'll then use that information to pick a focus for their content plan, specifying how their content will help them achieve their goals.

Module 2 – Who Are You Creating Content For?

For any content marketing to work, you need to know your audience well. 

In module 2, you'll show your students how to create a customer profile that goes beyond the usual demographics and psychographics. For each type of content, you'll explore exactly what questions are in any customer's mind, so that your students can create the most effective content to meet their needs.

Module 3 – What Plan Can You Realistically Commit To?

It's easy to get carried away with plans that sound wonderful, but are impossible to implement.

In module 3, you'll explore the different questions your students need to answer to ensure their content plans are achievable. They'll then put together a one-page content marketing plan that summarizes what they want to achieve and how they'll get there.

Module 4 – Create Your Editorial Calendar

With a realistic content plan in hand, your students can start creating their editorial calendar for content they want to publish.

In module 4, you'll show them how to put together a calendar that outlines the most important information they need to stay on track and take action on their plan. You'll give them tips for coming up with content ideas, as well as a checklist for ensuring consistent quality content.

Module 5 – Planning for Future Growth

As your students get more comfortable with content marketing, they'll want to expand their efforts and adjust for the changing needs of their business.

In module 5, you'll give them tips for maintaining momentum, managing their time, and keeping an endless supply of content ideas available whenever they need it.

Module 6 – Next Steps

In the last module, you'll review what your students learned in the course and send them off with more tips for keeping their content creation going strong. Encourage them to start implementing their content marketing plan right away, taking advantage of all their course work.

Get your license to How to Create a 'Realistic' Content Marketing Plan:

And to teach the program on how to create a content marketing plan, you'll get all these materials:

Click on any tab to see a detailed list of course content you'll get with your license:

  • Student Materials

  • Instructor Materials

  • Lead Generation Materials

Student Materials - to Learn & Take Action

* A 49-page Course Book - which gives you content and activity instructions you can use to create a self-study course, eCourse, or online or offline workshop (You’d pay $2,000+ just to learn how to create a course like this, and you’d still have to spend months doing it yourself)  

* Action Guide - 18-page guide which helps your students take action on what they learn, so you’ll have happy, successful customers

* Content Marketing Plan Snapshot (summarize what content you will create for each area)

* Content Marketing Plan Editorial Calendar (.xlsx)

* A 19-page Summary Cheat Sheet - which you and your clients can quickly reference to save time, versus having to refer to the book every time (Customers love these!)  

* 15 Colorful Graphics that are used in the course book and slideshow - which not only give a snapshot view of concepts, but also give your content some visual zing (in .pptx and .png) 

* Course Overview Infographic - A visual overview of the course (in .pptx, .pdf, & .png)

Not sure about the value of our done-for-you course content?

Here’s what business owners just like you have to say about Content Sparks:


Amazing community support, powerful and timely support

I have to say that I recently took part in a 10-day challenge that Sharyn and Content Sparks developed, and it moved me to complete a project I had been putting off for more than a year. Looking back, I feel that the amazing community support, powerful and timely support and an outstanding process guided me to successfully complete my project in the 10 days, something I didn't really think I could do. If you get the chance to take part in one of Sharyn's future challenges I recommend that you jump in. you'll be so glad you did!

Barbara Jemmott Course Director, Your Entrepreneurial Spirit

I'm able to develop new programs quickly and professionally

Sharyn's materials help me to stay stealthy. I'm able to develop new programs quickly and professionally, always offering something new to my members and leaders, giving me tremendous edge in the market. My network is growing rapidly and I'm expanding into other cities. Now, as leaders plug into the system I've created, I'm able to help them grow their business as well.

Jennifer Henczel

Thanks to Content Sparks, I’ve been able to start a membership site

Thanks to Content Sparks, I’ve been able to start a membership site. I always wanted to do it, but never had the time. I’m charging $27 and $97 per month and am using Content Sparks products to drip new content each month. With 50 members at the $27/month right now, that's an additional $1,350/month right there, all from a $149 investment.

Tamara Patzer

Frequently Asked Questions

  • FAQs about How to Create a 'Realistic' Content Marketing Plan

  • FAQs about White Label Content

  • How Much Can I save?

  • How Much Can I Earn?

Is How to Create a Realistic Content Marketing Plan right for my audience?

Does your audience include people who own a business, are responsible for marketing, or want to grow their audience/leads/sales?

Have they tried doing some content marketing in the past, but haven't seen great results or been overwhelmed by what's involved?

If you answered yes to either of those questions, then our How to Create a 'Realistic' Content Marketing Plan is a must-have!

You'll be the one to finally put them on the path to success with content marketing - without feeling like they have to do it all! Then you can dive deeper into specific tactics with additional training.

What's the difference between the How to Create a 'Realistic' Content Marketing Plan and your other marketing courses?

We have a variety of marketing courses that range from creating an in-depth marketing plan to courses on specific tactics, like video marketing, email marketing, blogging, and more.

However, our How to Create a 'Realistic' Content Marketing Plan is completely different. The focus is on simplicity. You're NOT teaching them how to create a gazillion types of content and a complicated strategy with lots of moving parts.

Instead, your students will look at what makes sense for them and for their business. They'll look at the most important types of content they need to create and set some priorities and goals.

Then they'll finally be able to create a content marketing plan and calendar that's realistic and achievable. No overwhelm involved.

Once your audience has their priorities for their content marketing, your options are endless for building your course business from this one workshop to a huge training library!

Does this course only work online or can it also be an in-person workshop?

Here at Content Sparks, we've given you everything you need to run your courses online virtually. However, you'll find the content is easy to adapt to an in-person training with some simple replacement of the virtual logistics, group coaching, or live seminar. Just have students do the action steps as small group and partner activities and then reconvene to debrief and discuss their results. 

Many of our clients do amazing in-person events with our course kits, and you will too! 

Can I teach this course if I've not taught these skills before?

Yes... absolutely

You can work through the course yourself and be your own case study to share with your audience.  

You can also interview successful entrepreneurs in your niche and ask them about their content marketing, how they manage it, and what worked and what didn't.

You'll find interviews are a great way to plug any perceived knowledge gap and add incredible value to your audience!

Can I create a Low-Ticket Offer with this?

All of this course would be overwhelming as a low-ticket offer. So why not take out Module 2 (Who are you creating content for), and turn that into a low-ticket offer instead? You can easily brand and record this section in less than 45 minutes.

You can then take out the Module 2 section from the Action Guide and add it as a handout with your video recording. Now you have a fabulous low-ticket offer.

 The rest of the course can become your core offer!

Can I create a High-Ticket Offer with this?

Yes! You can add in some personal coaching sessions (we recommend 4) and sell this in the $997-$1497 range. You can expand it to include a mastermind and charge up to $3,000 per person.

To increase the value, add in content from other Content Sparks courses. We recommend How to Use Content Marketing to Build Your Brand, Social Selling Secrets, and others! We have so much fantastic content about Content!

A little extra thought turns How to Create a 'Realistic' Content Marketing Plan into a priceless high-ticket offer that gives a brilliant ROI and increased revenue for you.

What Curriculum could this be part of?

Anything about planning for growth, productivity, and marketing can makes a popular curriculum. The options are endless!

You can also create a curriculum that teaches the core content marketing skills, such as Blogging Mastery, Live Video Marketing, How to Build an Email List from Scratch, Build Your Audience Using Social Media, and more... Combine the ones that make sense for your audience and you have a results-fueled powerhouse of a curriculum!

Our How to Create a 'Realistic' Content Marketing Plan is a fantastic course for both new business owners and those who are getting overwhelmed as they grow. So it's a perfect addition to many different courses and training series.

Can I see a sample of the course content?

Sure! You can see an excerpt from the Course Book HERE:


And if you have more questions, you can always content us at support@contentsparks.com

Get your license to How to Create a 'Realistic' Content Marketing Plan:

Only $247

100% No Risk Guarantee

Take a look through all the materials.
If you don’t think you or your customers can benefit from this content, let us know in the first 7 days, and we’ll give you a full refund. No questions asked.  Just contact us at support@contentsparks.com.

If you like it, keep it. And if you’re ready to take action quickly to get to that next level, you could be closing sales in the first week.

Here are a few ideas for using your content...

  • Use a section of the content as a free giveaway to get more email subscribers on your list
  • Use the slides and speaking notes to run a webinar. Then follow up with paid coaching or consulting sessions
  • Customize and sell your own ecourse and follow it up with additional coaching or more in-depth training on each sub-topic.
  • Use sections of the content for an autoresponder series that pre-sells the entire course, all combined as a paid ebook, webinar, or live workshop.
  • Use the slides and speaker notes to create a video series for your clients, with the worksheets as downloads to accompany each video.
  • Add the content to your paid membership site as a valuable learning resource
  • Share the graphics, infographics, and tweets on social media to promote the course (paid or as a lead magnet), or just to drive traffic to your site
  • Combine this course with other courses at Content Sparks to create a longer educational series or curriculum

Grab your license to How to Create a 'Realistic' Content Marketing Plan now: